Saturday, January 22, 2011
I'm tired,had enough.....physically and emotionally.....身体再抗议,姨妈都迟来报到。。。我还是抵不过mocha chips milk shake的诱惑,自找痛苦。。。。。
突然有个念头,很想要休学。。。每天忙着在店帮忙,累到在上课都打瞌睡,都没人体谅,终觉得我的考试会考不好,就不想读了。。。。在这里我无法专心读书。。。。这就是我想离开的原因。。。。我也不想呆在有你的地方。。。。am i pushing myself too much????i scared the outcome is not wad i am expecting.....
我想给自己一断空白的时间。。。。整理情绪。。。。。重新出发。。。。或许这只是我给自己逃避的借口吧。。。。。how i wish there's a shelter for me,only me......
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
한 여자가 그대를 사랑합니다/有个女人正爱着你
그 여자는 열심히 사랑합니다/那个女人认真的爱着你
매일 그림자처럼 그대를 따라다니며/每天每天 就像是你的影子 跟随着你
그 여자는 웃으며 울고있어요/那个女人 笑着 却也哭着
얼마나 얼마나 더 너를 이렇게 바라만 보며 혼자/究竟还得独自注视着你多久
이 바람같은 사랑 이 거지같은 사랑 계속해야 니가 나를 사랑 하겠니/这像风一般的爱情 这像是谎言的爱情 还得持续多久 你才能爱我
조금만 가까이 와 조금만 한발 다가가면 두 발 도망가는/只要稍稍走近你 只要靠近你一步 就会后退两步的你
널 사랑하는 난 지금도 옆에 있어 그 여잔 웁니다/这样的爱着你的我 现在就在你的身旁 那个女人哭泣着
그 여자는 성격이 소심합니다/那个女人非常的小心
그래서 웃는 법을 배웠답니다/所以现在正在学习笑着的方法
친한 친구에게도 못하는 얘기가 많은/连和好朋友都不能倾诉的话与太多了
그 여자의 마음은 눈물투성이/所以那个女人的心总是在哭泣
그래서 그 여자는 그댈 널 사랑 했데요 똑같아서/所以 那个女人正爱着你
또 하나같은 바보 또 하나같은 바보 한번 나를 안아주고 가면 안되요/这样的傻瓜 因为是这样的傻瓜 所以可以拥抱我吗
난 사랑받고 싶어 그대여 매일 속으로만 가슴 속으로만/我也想要被爱 亲爱的 每天每天在心里 只能在心里
소리를 지르며 그 여자는 오늘도 그 옆에 있데요/这样的呼唤着你 那个女人 今天依然在你的身旁
그 여자가 나라는 걸 아나요 알면서도 이러는 건 아니죠/那个女人就是我 你知道吗 还是你明明知道却依然如此呢
모를꺼야 그댄 바보니까/不知道的你 真的是个大傻瓜啊
얼마나 얼마나 더 너를 이렇게 바라만 보며 혼자/究竟还得独自注视着你多久
이 바보같은 사랑 이 거지같은 사랑 계속해야 니가 나를 사랑 하겠니/这像傻瓜一般的爱情 这像是谎言的爱情 还得持续多久 你才能爱我
조금만 가까이 와 조금만 한발 다가가면 두 발 도망가는/只要稍稍走近你 只要靠近你一步 就会后退两步的你
널 사랑하는 난 지금도 옆에 있어 그 여잔 웁니다/这样的爱着你的我 现在就在你的身旁 那个女人哭泣着
Monday, January 3, 2011
i know sad......
first day in class......didnt see a lot of my old coursemates..heard they took the part time session......
however,i was very happy to see you siew and daphne........greet them happy new year.....
As i am always that blur,i juz realise all my classes are being held in the afternoon,wtf......i owes sleep during afternoon classes,thiam lor!!!!!!!
i chat with raymond wong,my very noisy friend in sunway college kuching,knowing that he's now currently in Johor,not coming back to Kuching anymore....sob sob........Although i keep saying that it's so good not seeing him coz i can have peace and quiet.........kinda miss him....the tallest guy in our college but very childish lor....eventhough he is in Johor,but he still suan me in facebook kiam pak!!!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
new sem starts tomorrow!!!
urgh,i think i hate studying....i lost my interest in studying........gonna find that passion back asap!!!!WAD I NEED IS MOTIVATION!!!!!!!!!motivate me plz,spam me to study when u see me on9!hahas!!!!!
kinda regret i did not register sooner...if not i will be in kl not in kch.....sigh.....cant see natasha,ah yew,ah tak .......ToT,and yet nat's about to leave kch and go JAPAN!!!!!!!!
I will need to wait til july liao lor....6 mths plus.......
Found out that this year,nobody is in new year new year song being played in the radio,shopping complex........compared to last year,at this time..the songs were played "bing biang kio" liao lor......maybe it's the increment of the petrol price....empty pocket,who will feel happy,let's hope the petrol price will drop this year!!!!
i just checked my timetable just now........oh my,at least i received a good new.......class starts at 1.30pm-5pm.........yesh!no need to envy at the CAT students,we're going to go back home at the same time although we need to study extra 30 minutes,hehe....
Diet doesnt sound unfamiliar to my brother,my friends,my coursemates keep on reminding me........woah,but this is the first time i want to diet without any pressure being put on me.....i google a lot of ways........woah eating worms......hrmmm......will consider that,hahas
The best solution,well of course exercising and eat less lo
Cutting down on canned drinks,meat,and no carbohydrates!!!!!means no rice,noodles......
Drink warm water,say no to icy drinks,my favourite!!!!!!!
urgh........hope i'll succeed this time!!!!!!!aza aza fighting!!!!!!!!